Ps4 players ?

cypher @cypher
Ps4 players ?
cypher @cypher
Any ps4 players ? I just felt like asking, maybe we can play some games like naruto Storm 4 or one peice burning blood or even Sao lost song

akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
commented on
Ps4 players ?
akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
I am, only online PS4 game I'm really playing right now is Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator and thinking of jumping back into FFXIV

projectotaku @projectotaku
commented on
Ps4 players ?
projectotaku @projectotaku
Hey there!
I recently got a PS4, and quite a few games with it!
As for Multiplayer games?
CoD: Black Ops 3
Naruto Storm 4
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round (Still working on getting all the characters!)
These are the games I have for multiplayer thus far. Plan on getting more, after. I upgrade my harddrive to a 2 tb. Let me know!

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
commented on
Ps4 players ?
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
I mostly play rocket league and Overwatch on there as far as multiplayer games go but yes my psn is the same as my name on here: jakratchet12 feel free to add me.

cuppycake @cuppycake
commented on
Ps4 players ?
cuppycake @cuppycake
I mainly play OverWatch and Destiny. Lol Wouldn't mind playing some Guilty Gear again here and there. Lol

readordie_wow @readordie_wow
commented on
Ps4 players ?
readordie_wow @readordie_wow
Overwatch is my thing atm...when I ain't watching anime lol.
FF14 is a kick-back for me whenever I'm off work and really bored (that white mage tho...)
Same PSN id as on here; readordie_wow my internet currently sucks to much to game online its SOA when I get the chance :P
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