MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions

dandaman @dantheman06
MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
dandaman @dantheman06
Just post your reactions/analysis/comments about matches every day/week of 2016 Worlds. (INB4 ragers)
Ill start off: Dat TSM > SSG tho. NA> KR?
Also, im glad the pros are all using so much of my Main lately. Usually don't see him in so many games let alone pro games: KENNEN

dandaman @dantheman06
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
dandaman @dantheman06
dat Albus Nox win doe. Mother Russia reppin cool

Pillow @zmilli
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
Pillow @zmilli
Dude. That support is a beast. His tahm kench yesterday was amazing and now he shows why bran gets banned away from him.

dandaman @dantheman06
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
dandaman @dantheman06
FW beating SKT tho...So the GOd-KIng DOES Bleed?!

Pillow @zmilli
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
Pillow @zmilli
FW have usually always been good against SKT tho and they're not playing bengi for some reason. I feel our NA teams should do well enough to get out tho. Bjerg's voice should come back within the week. Jensen needs to calm his tits tho and stop with the cockyness. He's good but he isn't great and needs to realize if they didn't have impact than they wouldn't even be at worlds or 2-1 for that matter. Meteos needs to get back on point and start landing skill shots. CLG will probably get aurelian sol banned away now and huhi and darshan are so hit or miss there is no telling what will happen. I don't see them losing to albus nox again tho and G2 are probably too tilted

HumanoidS @jellz
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
HumanoidS @jellz
All of the NA teams currently sit at 2-1 which is pretty good. Hoping they all make it out of the group stage, but CLG worries me lol

Pillow @zmilli
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
Pillow @zmilli
All of the NA teams are also currently tied at first in their groups. CLG should be fine. C9 and TSM seem to have the tougher teams though especially considering how C9 is playing. God forbid impact starts getting camped then its over for C9. RNG, TSM, and SSG are all around the same level unless berg's voice comes back

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
skt got rekt dude. wow everyone is like skt this, skt that but now look at them lol

Pillow @zmilli
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
Pillow @zmilli
Foreal! The skt hype train gets so annoying every year. I'm curious as to how close it will be this year but you can never count skt out. Always hopeful one of the western teams will show up tho and take it all.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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MO's LCS Worlds 2016 Reactions
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
well it definitely isnt gonna be G2 XD
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