What's your Moral Alignment?
Khadrian @khadrian
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What's your Moral Alignment?
Khadrian @khadrian
I took this once in the past and, as expected, got True Neutral.
I generally teeter between True Neutral and Neutral Evil (self analysis)
My roommate actually got Neutral Evil as a result, and his girlfriend got Lawful Good. (oh what an interesting couple, lol)
AoAGeneral @aoageneral
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What's your Moral Alignment?
AoAGeneral @aoageneral
Figures. I got Lawful Good.
Your actions are motivated by compassion and a sense of duty. You rarely do anything for your own benefit or gain, but rather in service of others.
K @hothentaiwaifu
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What's your Moral Alignment?
K @hothentaiwaifu
This account has been suspended.
OceanicMemories @rikkuasahina
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What's your Moral Alignment?
OceanicMemories @rikkuasahina
You Got: Neutral Good
You are guided by your conscience, rather than any formal laws or traditions. You may occasionally break the rules, but it's generally in service of the greater good.
Jelly-Senpai @ryutsukun
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What's your Moral Alignment?
Jelly-Senpai @ryutsukun
You Got: Chaotic Neutral
You follow your own rules, often in direct contradiction to the law of the land. You’re not beholden to traditions, and you believe strongly in freedom, regardless of how it is obtained.
^ these are the characters I end up playing in D&D, Pathfinder, and all the decent pen-paper games/video games.
Shadower @theshadower
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What's your Moral Alignment?
Shadower @theshadower
True Neutral
You don’t feel strongly about much of anything. Frankly, you can take or leave a lot of things in your life. You’re mostly guided by instinct, rather than conscious decision.
°Farewell° @icheesecake
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What's your Moral Alignment?
°Farewell° @icheesecake
Chaotic Good
PoeticMysteryMan @poeticmysteryman
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What's your Moral Alignment?
PoeticMysteryMan @poeticmysteryman
Chaotic Neutral, so I'll be pissing off the party's Paladin for money. ;)
Wagen @ivo
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What's your Moral Alignment?
Wagen @ivo
Neutral Good
"You are guided by your conscience, rather than any formal laws or traditions. You may occasionally break the rules, but it’s generally in service of the greater good."
mariahaise @mariahaise
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What's your Moral Alignment?
mariahaise @mariahaise
You Got: Neutral Good
You are guided by your conscience, rather than any formal laws or traditions. You may occasionally break the rules, but it’s generally in service of the greater good.
Popular neutral good characters:
Jake the Dog from Adventure Time
Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter
Glenn from The Walking Dead
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