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Greetings Sephiroth, I understand that MaiOtaku "cannot be responsible for anyone's actions or the consequences of those actions." However to further MaiOtaku into a safer place and make the user experience better. Is there any plans to implement a system to deal with harassment from other users? Something along the lines of: depending on the nature and severity of the harassment that the harasser can be "disciplined", blocked, or even permanently banned. One idea, if need be, is for users to be able to block other users so that neither can see each other's activities in any way, shape, or form in the forums or even pop up in someone's matches. Similar's to how Facebook's "block user" function works. For example: Even if users elect to block other users, and if they happen to share the same friends, even on their friends' wall, they can't see each other's activities. And those who try to circumvent this can be "punished" accordingly. Though we can make the mature choice and ignore it, sometimes that doesn't help. Even asking politely to be left alone doesn't always work. Seeing harassment and being harassed is not a fun experience and that zaps the fun and appeal from MaiOtaku. This is one of many issues that can prevent those willing to invest in MaiOtaku.
Aug 31, 16 at 9:25pm
In a way I guess but the only thing I'd opt for is the blocking system. Life itself isn't fair so it's not other peoples fault that they feel the need to be rude or evil to other people because they envy what other people have.
Aug 31, 16 at 9:36pm
That never occurred to me that people act out 'cause they are jelly. But I have to disagree those about those who misbehave. It is 100% their fault because they have a choice but chose to act immature. They need to grow the phuck up. And yes, a blocking system is much needed here. I also think those who are not on your friend list shouldn't even be able to comment on your "wall"/news feed page.
Yeah, I agree, but people also get offended by things so quickly in this day and age that they go and cry about it, even if it doesn't concern them. I used to be on a forum once and someone kept getting so butthurt over peoples posts that they weren't involved in that they kept reporting them. Eventually the admin got tired of it and ended up banning him for making unnecessary reports so often. Irregardless, a block button is unnecessary in most situations. People could be adults and go to the other person if they have a problem and settle it like, you know, adults... but that might be asking too much.
Aug 31, 16 at 10:05pm
I agree Jikokun that people can be adults but unfortunately that's not the case. That indeed can be "might be asking too much". If someone gets offended by something, well... that's honestly their fault for letting something get to them really however I'm focused about harassment and not offensive material . Also, even if something's going down that doesn't involve someone in particular, if they happened to witness something that is genuinely alarming in some way, I don't see the problem of others getting involved and intervening. Let's say for example an a$$hole agitating someone and picking a fight with someone on a bus/train. A block feature would actually be a nice feature. Similar to FB's "I don't want to see posts like this..." feature. Though you can ignore it but "out of sight, out of mind" would be a big plus.
I see what you're saying, but the way I would imagine it, if it's not against the ToS or promoting something illegal (for example: Asch with sexual advances with minors.), there should be no reason for someone to intervene just because they dont like something. But I'm not a mod/admin, so I can't speak on how the system works. As for the block feature, I still think communication with each other should be the first step. If things continue (Or like the case above with Asch), depending on the severity of said harassment, a possible block should be enforced.
Aug 31, 16 at 10:40pm
Asch? I don't know who that is but from what you mentioned, I don't think I want to know. Jikokun, communication is key in any relationship however sometimes you don't want a relationship with someone because it is genuinely unwanted. I understand that site's Terms of Service doesn't and can't cover all. But... sometimes they are poorly written or needs revisions to reflect present day dilemmas however that might be impossible to kept up with and implement. I'm not saying that people should intervene in cases/instants just because they don't like something but let's say for example and simplicity that a forum is like a bar - anything can go down. Now let's say things are getting out of hand that disrupts business in this bar. Glasses are being thrown and people are about to start dueling with the pool sticks. Fellow patrons might just sit back and let things go down hill or they can be like "whoa, hey there buddy. What's the problem? You had too much to drink?" in a nice and civilized manner. A bar owner (site owners, shareholders, etc.) might want to put out fires quick to keep business going and running smoothly. In a business sense, people might be willing to pay for such site features to help bring in revenue. Sephiroth gotta eat and developing and running sites isn't always cheap. Even though MaiOtaku is free for users it's also a business venture. If the demand is out there for such features then just maybe it should be looked into. I'm not sure if this was written up by someone with authority on behalf of MaiOtaku but I've stumbled across this just now: http://maiotaku.wikia.com/wiki/How_not_to_get_Banned I totally agree with it. Especially about those being disrespectful because everyone deserves respect.
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