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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

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So now that this thread has turned to bashing on people that believe they are *nice guys* lumping people that are genuinely nice with the people that just want a piece, it has gone completely away from the original topic, or even anything that can be considered helpful to the genuine *nice guys* out there that are having issues finding their one special someone. I would appreciate it if the bashing could be taken down to a minimum *because i know this is the internet and it will always be there* and take things to constructive criticism/advice to help instead of making people feel like they are being attacked.
I don't see anyone looking for a FWB here. If you're so prude that you don't want to hear about sex, especially in a "relationship" thread, too bad, so sad, grow up.
@emperor, just let it go bud. No ones going to understand you. Issac newtons 3rd law states that for every action there will always be an equal and opposite re-action. That's all that's happening here.
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i know, but no one else cares unless they themselves are getting something in return. I learned that first hand when I was helping all my co-workers at my job but they never helped me. Everyone just did their job and then they left. They only care about themselves. I doubt there is such a thing as true care or love.
I never once said companionship is all about sex, don't fucking put words in my mouth. While Sex IS an important part in most relationships, it is not something that should be pushed nor expected. Get your facts right before you sound like an idiot.
i know what you mean yeah sex is fun but i want something more then that. I want some one to go to cons with movie or play videogames just walk somewhere so we chat also someone that will be there for each other.but no it always about men wanting just sex and not all thinks like this but most do. it just not men that bitch about it ether women do it to just in a different way.look i hate the friends zone in my opinion it just a way of saying i am not into you and they dont really want to be friends with you they stop chatting to you they dont call you if they what to hang out or do any thing at all being just friends cool. if you put some one in a friends zone then treat them as a friend then and in clued them in shit like going to the movies hang out with a group of friends just activities then if the guy still being a ass hole then fuck them then they dont need to be friends then
id love to have a girl as a friend. I have one on the internet, but its not as fun
You people must be either naive or young. Women love sex as much as men, a lot aren't as open about it in public. Again, yes, if shouldn't be pushed or expected WITH BOTH SEXES, and you should have some common intrests, but unless you are just looking for a FWB thing, which is a mature adult choice between both parties, just relax. People have sex on the first dare, but again, shouldn't be expected. If that's all EITHER SEX is looking for and the other doesn't want it or the relationship, be accepting and move on. For fucks sake, stop being so sexist, claiming it's all and only guys who 'friendzone" people or are just looking for sex. No wonder most of you weeaboos can't find a relationship, you're so damn close-minded and expect perfection in a person.
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