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Looking For A Long Term Connection

I thought I might as well do one of these their all the rage right? I am looking for somebody who has my back and will be there when I need them likewise the same. I am looking for somebody to play games with and spend time with our hobbies. I am looking for somebody to converse topics with me and share thoughts on them. I am looking for somebody to share experiences with so we can recall them later on. I am looking for somebody to hang out with in the best of times and the worst of times but largely the worst. These are what im looking for in people to be my "friends". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKTU4AarZ7A
might be the wrong place to post this? i'm not sure
I will admit I couldnt resist making this thread. Misleading 233
I'm looking for a long term connection too... my service provider keeps disconnecting me in the middle of games. =\
Update still lookin http://youtu.be/YKYL_zcSfzc
Depends on what part of Texas you come from? *squints*
I come from a old western movie,
Ah, you must be John Wayne?
@wert did you say lil wayne? http://ll-media.tmz.com/2013/03/18/0318-lil-wayne-getty-3.jpg
@panda Nah I said lil Jon https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1266501411/n849555093_2424220_6627.jpg
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