Anyone play smash or other video games?

Illuminous @illuminous
Anyone play smash or other video games?
Illuminous @illuminous
I play smash bros competitively and wondering if anyone wants to battle? I'm Illuminous from Colorado smash tournaments. I've only been to a few though.
I also play other games like Monster Hunter Generations (Nintendo 3DS), CoD BO 3 (for pS4), Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 (for PS4), and 7 Days To Die (PS4 version). I also have Monster hunter 4 ultimate if you don't have generations and I have Fantasy Life. I can help anyone level up on any of these games or battle on one of the fighting games I have if you would like.
I might get Injustice 2 but am debating on it.

PsychoMob~ @fistforthebros
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
PsychoMob~ @fistforthebros
I only really play Melee and PM.
I play fighting games competitively as well, gone to some tournaments down in Atlanta.

Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
I just got back ino Smash 64 and Melee is the only other Smash Ill play. Someday Id like to get into the tournament scene.

AoAGeneral @aoageneral
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
AoAGeneral @aoageneral
I play OpenRA (CNC95 remake) competitively. It has a decent following. Give the forums a look too.

Aburgin9908 @rolf_gust0
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
Aburgin9908 @rolf_gust0
HEY MORE SMASH PLAYERS!!! YES!!! Add me on skype dude. austin.burgin92

ArthurAsp @mario241
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
ArthurAsp @mario241
The first and really only fighting game I play competitive on is Smash 4. If anyone wants some matches just lemme know.
Nintendo Network ID: ArthurAsp (Same as here lol)

Illuminous @illuminous
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
Illuminous @illuminous
@ArthueAsp: I added you on smash 4, all you have to do is accept.

Illuminous @illuminous
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
Illuminous @illuminous
@Aburgin9908: I don't have a skype, sorry about that.

ArthurAsp @mario241
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
ArthurAsp @mario241
Cool, I'll play tonight then.

Illuminous @illuminous
commented on
Anyone play smash or other video games?
Illuminous @illuminous
Alright cool, I'll be ready all day today, just message me when your ready.
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