any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans

ToukaGhoul @toukaghoul
any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
ToukaGhoul @toukaghoul
Do we have any original devil may cry fans?
Who are your favorite characters along with their weapons!!!

VeZeal @axlex
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any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
VeZeal @axlex
Can't go wrong with Uncle Dante as a favorite. Vergil gets me motivated. And I prefer Lady over Trish.
Weapons...can't speak for 4's weapons so Agni and Rudra as well as Beowulf

ToukaGhoul @toukaghoul
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any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
ToukaGhoul @toukaghoul
I've sadly need to play the other games,I lack the other more upgraded game consoles >.<;I've only beat DMC 1.
I like all of the characters pretty much Dante and Trish,and Jester are my favorites

nyangray @nyangray
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nyangray @nyangray
I love dmc3 Dante and Vergil from both the original as nelo Angelo and dmc3
I like dmc4 Dante and Nero. Vergil's theme in the original (song) was pretty epic.

PsychoMob~ @fistforthebros
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any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
PsychoMob~ @fistforthebros
I loved the old DMC games! I grew up playing them with my auntie, it was one of the first games I actually bonded with someone over. DMC 3 is my favorite, DMC 4 I really enjoyed, but DMC 1 was the best in my opinion.

traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
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any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
MEMEME! My favorite is Vergil. I'm even stuck with a PSN name referencing him lool.
The games are amazing and they always have great soundtracks. Plus I love fixed camera angles. God I love them

shawnji @shawnji
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shawnji @shawnji
VeZeal basically put everything I wanted to say. I got the first game back when it first came out and it was amazing at the time, but DMC3 is so much better it's not even funny.

otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
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any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
The Dante from the first game and sparda's sword were my favorite

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Cant fo wrong with rebellion. Agni and rudra are a fav too. I mostly stay in combination with those two.
Fav game would probably be devil may cry 3 special edition. I liked 4 too though.
Loved the vergil in DMC even though I refused to play it.

HyperCade20 @hypercade20
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any Orginal Devil May Cry Fans
HyperCade20 @hypercade20
I love the old DMC games ^_^
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