I've found her!
Daggera @daggera
commented on
I've found her!
Daggera @daggera
What? Are you saying because I have someone I can't have cute friends besides Freedom knows where my heart lies. There is nothing wrong with complimenting a friend especially when they are kind and have a good heart like you VeZeal. I do it to all my friends because I know they are good people and I love seeing them smile, I don't do it to hit on them.
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
commented on
I've found her!
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
Bardal is just jealous because nobody is calling him cute.
Don't feel bad Bardal. I think you're cute...ish...
VeZeal @axlex
commented on
I've found her!
VeZeal @axlex
Still feels a bit awkward to me dag. Also Im not kind nor do I have a good heart
*blip* Bardal @bardal
commented on
I've found her!
*blip* Bardal @bardal
Well now i feel insulted, and for voicing my thoughts. And now apparently im jealous for saying what i did. Now its just awkward that you called me cute..ish in a half-assed manner. Insults me more then anything. My bad for agreeing with VeZeal. xD
VeZeal @axlex
commented on
I've found her!
VeZeal @axlex
Don't feel bad Bardal. You're cool and we understand each other
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
commented on
I've found her!
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
A brofist moment has occurred - the pinnacle of eventfulness in this thread
Maya @maydragon
commented on
I've found her!
Maya @maydragon
We're all cool and weird.
VeZeal @axlex
commented on
I've found her!
VeZeal @axlex
Speak for yourself XD
*blip* Bardal @bardal
commented on
I've found her!
*blip* Bardal @bardal
Thanks VeZeal. At least some one understands. -.-
Maya @maydragon
commented on
I've found her!
Maya @maydragon
Hey, I am also weird
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