Japanese name?

FuyuKitsune @fuyu
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Japanese name?
FuyuKitsune @fuyu
When I studied abroad in Nerima, we translated our names. Of course I already had during my Japanese language classes back home but I was told that with English names when translating to Katakana their is a little leeway. Mine is Joshua so in katakana its ジョシュア literally Joshua. But if I way wanted to translate my name to a Kanji name I have a few routes: one go by syllables and choose appropriate sounding kanji or to choose kanji that have the same meaning as your name, if your name as a meaning.
Japanese who tend to interact with English speaking people tend to choose an English name they like, which sounds nothing like their real names most of the time.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Japanese name?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
If you're looking for your name to be transliterated into Japanese and uses Kanji:
It means "many kites".

janejlocane @janejlocane
commented on
Japanese name?
janejlocane @janejlocane
It's interesting, thanks!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Japanese name?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Wanna know the name?
No really! What's my name?
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