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Yoko's rejects club.

Jul 27, 16 at 5:46pm
Woe to those who wait in vain. If it's love that you seek, all will fail. Life, such a grim and sublime pain. All things seeming to compare ever so pale. Weary soul, believe not the words of all will be. Not all are meant to taste of forbidden fruit. Close your eyes, only to sleep and see. Worry not over things of trite that life does not always constitute.
Jul 27, 16 at 5:52pm
Dang... that`s... that`s pretty bleak dude. :(
It is but I kinda like it.
Jul 27, 16 at 7:17pm
Bleak? Huh... And here I thought I was just saying not to worry about things that are neither guaranteed, "destined", given or wanted by all. Instead, focus on life and what all that truly entails for you or some such mumbo jumbo.
Jul 27, 16 at 7:49pm
Okay, I think I was coming at it from the wrong angle.
@Daggera A troll? I am no troll. I'm just a silly person that is serious when I need to be. I'm helpful. I'm kind. I try to lighten things up with my silly sense. But most of all I'm.... https://m.popkey.co/9fdc9c/Ao13V.gif
Jul 27, 16 at 7:57pm
@Hoodedfang http://i.makeagif.com/media/8-01-2015/k3qNHX.gif
@Daggera You didn't notice me. http://rsmg.pbsrc.com/albums/v645/PiRaNa_FiShY/Code%20Geass/ShockedLelouch.jpg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip That means I can get away with a lot things now. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/239/JUST_AS_PLANNED.jpg But seriously. Gonna stop because I don't want to ruin Lenny's thread.
Jul 27, 16 at 8:26pm
Shawnji, Not as far off as I may have lead you to believe. It's a mix....a mix. Buuuuut, I won't make a thread within a thread.;)
Jul 27, 16 at 8:43pm
@Hoodfang You try to play tough but you are really just a shrimp anyway. :P https://nekketsunikki.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/prad3-25-wakana-yawning-gif.gif
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