Things you consider overrated...
AdamArclight031 @adamarclight031
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Things you consider overrated...
AdamArclight031 @adamarclight031
What I consider overrated nowadays, is America's Educational System and Learning Curriculum.
*blip* Bardal @bardal
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Things you consider overrated...
*blip* Bardal @bardal
I consider FF7 overrated. It's honestly not as great as people hype it. I know people will get triggered from me saying that, but honestly, its no FF4 or FF8. Its a nostalgia whore of a game xD
JoelJoestar @joeljoestar
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Things you consider overrated...
JoelJoestar @joeljoestar
Nothing because overrated is literally just an extremely subjective term that people like to throw like it's objective when it ultimately means, "I didn't like it as much as most other people did."
@Bardal Kujo|-ᴥ-| IV and VIII are literally the worst ones of the old games, nigga.
*blip* Bardal @bardal
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Things you consider overrated...
*blip* Bardal @bardal
Never said i liked those ether~
Ever consider i just think FF series is trash <3
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Things you consider overrated...
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
- Following current trends
- Hideo Kojima
- Regenerating health in video games (Because hiding behind a wall and doing absolutely nothing is engaging gameplay)
- Two weapon limit in games
- Inconclusive romance plots in anime like just kiss ffs
- Fallout 4
- Dark Souls 2
- One Piece
- When people judge a game or anime's value solely on how long it is even if it ends up being a boring drag
- And many other things but too many to list
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
commented on
Things you consider overrated...
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
Where to begin...
- Metal Gear Solid 5
- The Young Turks
- Pope Francis
- Up
- One Piece
- Number of the Beast
- Star Wars Episode 7
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