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When a man is on a date with a woman, who do you believe should pay?

Do you believe that the person who asked should pay? Do you believe that either the man or the woman should always pay? Do you think that the two should go dutch and split the bill? Rationalize your answer.
It wouldn't feel right if I let them pay.
The one who asked should pay unless you agree to split before hand. Most of the time its guys that have to ask a girl out so they just end up paying most of the time, but its just polite to not expect the other person to pay when you made the request
For some reason, all the girls I was out with always insisted to pay with a stubbornness of a brick wall. Unfortunately for them, I'm a troll that uses the restroom excuse to sneak out and cover the bill in advance at the bar. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ClEPOeMVYAApgQr.jpg
You pay for what you ordered, it feels fair this way.
The one who clearly invites the other beforehand, pays. Simple. If you go somewhere together, but noone invited the other previously, the bill is shared. If you have been going out for a while I'm sure you can figure out another way of doing it, if needed. It all has absolutely nothing to do with genders, in my opinion.
combatvoss, I'm just old fashion like that.
I'm someone who treats both guys and girls equally, so to me the tradition of only the guy paying is a load of bollocks. I'd prefer equal pay for that reason, but the idea of the invited one paying seems fair (well, it would do more if both guys and girls took the initiative at an equal rate). If I was to pay for it all, it would hopefully by out of me being kind. If they insist I pay due to tradition, they should expect an irritated glare.
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