Anime Weekend Atlanta

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
Anime Weekend Atlanta
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I'll be going to AWA this year. Well I might, the recent flooding in my town had caused me to spend some of my savings on supplies. But that won't stop me! I will go to this con to meet my friends once again. Anyone else going is free to join me. I'll beat you in Mario Kart. XD
All going announce thyselves!

MellowRhombus @mellowrhombus
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
MellowRhombus @mellowrhombus
I'm hoping to go, I need a hotel room and permission from my professors to miss classes on the Friday before I know for sure though. I've been the past 3 years and would hate to miss it.

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I missed it last year. Darn money issues.

Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
I'll be there Thursday.

Brendin @brendin
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
Brendin @brendin
I'll probably be going as well.

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
Sadly I won't be going due to having to use my savings for important things after a recent flooding. ;-;

Froboy696 @froboy696
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
Froboy696 @froboy696
Really looking forward to this con. Planning to see my friends again after so long...

Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
Going! hopefully I meet my friends, making new friends, and have good time plus new memories too X3

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I just feel sad because I can't do that this year. I wanna see my friends again. ;-;

Silver @silverrededge
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Anime Weekend Atlanta
Silver @silverrededge
Going Too! Hoping to make new friends and have a great time.
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