Skype Group ^_^

joeyconfe @joeyconfe
Skype Group ^_^
joeyconfe @joeyconfe
Actually sounds pretty cool, I don't have a skype rn but I'm making one and I'll add you when im done so just gimme a second

HumanoidS @jellz
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
HumanoidS @jellz
I like the idea, but skype groups die so fast lol

C.Raynor @raynor
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
C.Raynor @raynor
You guys should try out Discord. It handles group chat better than Skype does.

sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
if anyone has a room to invite us all, im down to join! it'll be fun to get to know you guys

Verflixt @verflixt
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
Verflixt @verflixt
^ agreed

ghostytoast @ghostytoast
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
ghostytoast @ghostytoast
This seems great wether its skype or discord, I'm up!

ayaka56 @ayaka56
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
ayaka56 @ayaka56
I have a Skype Ayaka456 is my Skype I'm only free to talk on Fridays and Saturdays though

capcharisma @capcharisma
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
capcharisma @capcharisma
I pretty much live on skype. I'll join the group chat

ayaka56 @ayaka56
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
ayaka56 @ayaka56
Actually my skype name is Ayaka56 my bad

xInsaneAssassin @xinsaneassassin
commented on
Skype Group ^_^
xInsaneAssassin @xinsaneassassin
Added, I have discord too aswell.
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