Other hobbies?
markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Other hobbies?
markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Well, obviously we're all into anime and/or manga to some extent, or we wouldn't be here, LOL.
But who else is into other things too, like say... wrestling or American cartoons and stuff like that? I kinda didn't want to start a wrestling thread cause again.. anime.. lol. So... what do you watch and/or read that isn't anime or manga related?
♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
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Other hobbies?
♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
I play a lot of instruments such as piano, bass, drums and guitar.
I also draw.
TV wise um.
- Red Dwarf
- Game of Thrones
- The Walking Dead
- Dr Who
- Red vs Blue
- The Inbetweeners
- Not Going Out
- Rule of Engagement
- How I Met Your Mother
- Ex Top Gear
- The Grand Tour (when it releases)
- and a few others I won't mention. (i might get hate)
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Other hobbies?
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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