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How attentive are you to your partners?

I'm a very altruistic individual, and it drains me if I'm not careful. I may be reserved, but I'm also very sensual, nurturing, and cuddly person, and if you can make it that far with me, you're actually doing very well in my book. I do love quality time, though in its most simple form. Whether it tends to be just sitting down, playing video games, watching anime, having good conversation, or even sitting in comfortable silence. I really don't need or want to go out of my way, and I don't want my partner to go out of her way either. I'm very attentive to the needs of who I'm with, practically to the point where I could read my partner's mind through subtle patterns IF I'm paying attention. The time I spend with my friends and loved ones doesn't need to be complicated or super involved. Its in simplicity that I find the most intimacy, and the most understanding and connection. I'm also likely to change certain habits if I realize it bothers my partner. If she values cleanliness, I'd keep my room, house, and self much more tidy than it currently is, for example. I'm really not a fan of pressure. Low pressure situations are exactly the kinda thing I want, and that doesn't mean I can't step up when I have to, but when I'm thrown into the fire over and over again, I'm much more likely to just shut off and withdraw. I also generally tend to despise selfishness and selfish behavior. Again, I like feeling of nurturing someone, and kinda need that in return. And a selfish person who is high maintenance to the point where I'm not really able to nurture her, and instead expected to obey her whims and carry out her tasks is a huge turnoff for me. I want to know my partner can be considerate, and selfless. Not because I want to take advantage of it. But because I myself value selflessness in everything. Another thing you want to be careful of is the "Pity Party." Do not sit around feeling sorry for yourself, or venting at me unless I know you're trying to do something constructive. A senseless vent or a senseless rant is going to turn me off in a big way. However, I do understand, we all have an emotional range. So as long as you're willing to talk it out with the aim of actually solving the issue, or figuring out what's wrong? I'm all ears. But the second its become like a senseless or ventless point or rant, you've burnt me out as well. So to sum it up, as long as we're both on the same team, and playing proactively, I tend to be at my most compassionate, serving, and attentiveness.
My 100% complete undeniable attention, I love my computer. :) #foreveralone
@sleepless: I bet you gave your computer a female name, you sick fuck =P ...I called mine Alice.
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