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What to do when you live in an extremely rural area that's culturally backwards?

That might not be a bad option. I've been to Pennsylvania, and I liked what I saw of it. My mother's side of the family is all from Vermont, and I've been told that I tend to have a more "Northern" attitude (whatever that means), so maybe I'd fit in a little better there.
It'll certainly be on my radar. I'm still on a contract for my current job until next March, but at that point I'm pretty much free to pick where I go from there.
Have you sought out anime/ geek groups in your area? You might not even realize they're there. Check on Facebook for goings on around your town and if there's nothing, try starting one! I went to college in a pretty small town and was part of a Steampunk group where a dozen or so nerdy like-minded individuals would get together once a week and it was pretty great.
simple: Take flying lessons like Videl did and fly to other towns quicker. Or have a pure heart so that you can ride the nimbus. If all else fails, go on a long long journey around the world to find 7 orange balls that will grant you any wish..and then when you get that wish to move to the middle of Kansas XD
I've decided to take dandaman's advice. XD
May the force be with you. and don't forget to "POWA UP-SURU"
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