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What would you do if you fell for someone..someone who could never fall for you back?

Love is not a need to be close to someone, that is animalistic and codependent. Love is wanting the object of love to be happy, no matter what :D
Already in one. Getting hella ignored. Like shit i am a magician cause I can fucking turn invisible. Harry potter ain't got shit compared to my skill
That's been the story of my life for the last ten years with my waifu.
@Vanessa Dependency is the whole concept of "I cannot live without you" "You make me happy" "You define me" codependency is when it goes both ways, a most extreme example would be spousal abuse with one spouse abusing and the other excusing. Usually codependency is seen in terms of fake friends, lets say for example I made a huge error, that negatively impacted my life and perhaps others around me. Let us then say that a friend told me "Oh its alright, you didn't do anything wrong" etc thats another form of codependency Or another example "if you leave me, I will die" and then the partner caves out of some misplaced form of guilt this is also co-dependency and another form of abuse. These are all forms of codependent abuse in some way shape or form, though societally they are accepted as norms in the west. Interdependency, on the other hand is a healthy thing, not a dependence but a recognition of the benefits of cooperation, and the understanding that every action taken effects the surrounding environment. This is probably more what you were referencing?
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I have and my answer was to not tarnish the memories of the feelings that person allowed me to develop. When I determined that there was simply no way the relationship would go anywhere I moved on.
"never" is a pretty strong word. Well, I may try harder to win their heart, or do it long enough to lose motivation and give up. Ideally: move on, and devote my attention elsewhere.
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