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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

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Thanks, guys. You're making me blush. I would also love to give you candy, but I can't so here's your VIRTUAL HUG! https://67.media.tumblr.com/2be3818398fa62f2aff108e8f73618bb/tumblr_o7s5o5Es8B1sn28nno1_500.gif
There is a wage gap, I just don't understand why there would be. If you could hire women and pay them less, why wouldn't every woman be hired? You could make more money because they won't be paid as much. ez money. Violent rape culture also yes. Very prominent in middle eastern culture. Note all the German women being raped by refugees. When I wrote a FB status about how the refugees would rape women a few months back, I get death threats. Four days later, there were over 4 counts of sexual assaults that were male refugee related. Domestic Violence does indeed affect both genders equally, but the most common victims are mother on children violence (which is really sad) my source on this is that I'm an Administrative Justice major Divorce, also true. Women who are less qualified than men do indeed get the children a lot more often. Last two are also true. I'm not an emotionally analytical person so I can't determine why men have a higher suicide rate but men are more prone to becoming homeless because men are more harshly punished for crimes than women. Take the rape case of that soon to be NFL player Brian Banks for example. The bitch lied about being raped and he spent over a decade in prison. She was awarded with a huge sum of money. Later on, bam, turns out hes innocent. Bitch got a slap on the wrist and "feminists" said this, and I shit you not: "You're still the REAL victim."
@The Neko King You do realize that you just insulted your gender by saying that men are thinking with their dicks whenever they support feminism, right? And the issues you mentioned that men are facing -- feminism is fighting against those as well. :)
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Hm, this is something I don't honestly care about. I hate regular politics never mind gender politics. When the whole gamer gate thing blew up and the likes of Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian showed up and poisoned the well of crediblity for feminism, I've now just found myself jaded with it all. To me; I can't changeout, I don't understand and I don't having anything really to add to it, so why bother with stressing myself out with it? It's got to the point where I can't get angry at it, enthusiastic about it or even mildly intrigued about it. I simply couldn't care less now, about societal standards, political standards and double standards. Is that bad? probably, but like I said I don't care anymore. I just focus on what I can see instead of what I can't.
@mango i agree like with all this inequality stuff going on we are actually taking steps backward rather than moving forward. Who knows where technology would have been if we didnt have to worry about fighting slavery? What we could have accomplished if we didnt try to kill the person next to us? Too many people focused on the wrong stuff rather than looking at the bigger picture they are covering it up with all their hate. We all share this planet whether you like it or not.
When men support gender equality, other men usually call them white knights. But I'm a brother of 3 sisters and they mean more than the world to me. Call me whatever you want, because it's the opinion of random people that I don't care about, vs, three sisters that I would die for. ez choice ez life (well not really ez but yeah).
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