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Should Abortion be Legal?

Jun 03, 16 at 1:32am
Also, if you're pro-choice, you should also be pro death penalty. The legal definition of murder is: "the unlawful killing of another human being or fetus." The two exceptions to this rule are death penalty and abortion. By this law, the fetus is deemed an individual after 12 weeks.
@Sunbae, I meant on this thread. Also, Pick either legality or morality but don't use legality to argue morality. People do this all the time. Legality is only what a few random assholes decide based on their particular view of morality, it doesn't make it any more legit, it just means you can get arrested. Another example, 18 is when you are legally an adult. But it has absolutely nothing to do with whether you are actually mature or not. There is no magical biological change that happens at 18. It's just a legal technical cutoff for a bunch of dumb crap. Btw, I think most laws are bull.
Actually the majority of people that are anti-abortion happen to be pro death penalty and also Christian which is hypocritical. Our justice system is massively hypocritical. We act like the death penalty somehow reduces crime yet we have a larger percentage of our population in jail than any country I know of. So obviously crime is very high. We only treat the symptoms of crime not the cause.
It's okay to kill babies. http://youtu.be/AvF1Q3UidWM
Jun 03, 16 at 1:50am
Actually the time came because after 12 weeks, the fetus can survive in an incubator. There used to be a much higher limit but a limit has to be set because abortion can kill you if it's done too late. People don't want to recognize it but it's still a miscarriage. It can kill. The majority of pro choice are liberals and liberals are anti death penalty. I'm prochoice and pro death penalty. The reason why 18 was chosen was because that was when the mind (as in the actual brain) of most people stops growing. A lot of these laws actually make sense. I also don't use something as vague and ambigious as morals for my judgements. Statistics and facts are the way to go. I'm pro choice because it reduces crime. I don't give a shit about the mother. I'm thinking of the child. If a pregnant woman is not in a position or she is not willing to give the child all the love a child deserves, just get an abortion. So technically, by law and by statistics backed up by facts, after 12 weeks, it's an individual. And people shouldn't have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Hence the reason cocaine is illegal. As for the death penalty, it does indeed reduce crime. Look at the crime per capita between a pro death penalty state such as Texas and compare it to an Anti death penalty. Texas and New York are usually the ones people compare.
Jun 03, 16 at 1:55am
That's cold blood and this topic is kinda important cus I luv babies
http://wp.patheos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/blogs/wwjtd/files/2012/09/abortion-chart.jpg *leaves before getting bombed from this thread*
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Jun 03, 16 at 2:06am
Gonna drop some irrelevant bombs here and point out that a zygote and fetus are different things. In fact, you probably won't even know if there was a zygote in you until it turned into a fetus.
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