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Debates: Hillary Clinton

Jun 08, 16 at 7:33pm
If Bernie chooses to run as an independant, that'll ensure Trump's win. Future's looking bleak, bois......
That's probably true. Bernie does have the heart of the Democratic base.
Jun 08, 16 at 8:40pm
@nekobaby I know what your getting at by making a statement. If you do want to do something that really makes a difference you should sign the petition to get rid of the electoral college that prevented him from winning in the first place. That's what I did.
I've said it earlier, but it bears repeating: If you live in a swing state, hold your nose and vote for Hillary (unless your conscience won't let you, which I completely understand). If you live in a state that always goes either red or blue no matter what, write in Bernie or vote Green Party. It won't necessarily win the election, but it'll tell a whole lot of people in the upper eschelon that they need to be worried about what policies they put forth moving forward, because Americans are more informed than ever, and tensions are increasing year after year. You never know when the people might finally reach a breaking point and decide to take the reigns by force.
No one believed me when I said almost a year ago it would be Clinton vs. Trump. I don't know what I will do except I will never vote for Clinton. My friend worked in the Libya embassy and died there after his boss made hundreds of requests for additional security to the state dept and was ignored. She inflamed the Arab Spring to destabilize countries we did not like. One of her emails that was released confirmed this in a letter to a CIA official brainstorming if they could use the same trick on the Palestinians to force Israel into negotiations. That letter was only published in Israeli news not here of course. Few remember when she 'reset' relations with Russia in a ceremony pressing a big red button which was a disgusting mockery of the horrors of nuclear war. At the time there was a dispute with Russia about us building a missile defense system in eastern Europe. Regan ended the Cold War and helped tear down the Iron Curtain. Russia has been a great partner in the International Space Station and in spite of all the crap we have done to them with crippling Sanctions they still let our Astronauts rent a seat on their ships to get to and from the ISS. Clinton bragged about successfully beating a rape charge whom the defendant confided in her he was guilty and she laughed about pulling it off using judicial tricks. She gets a free pass as a champion for women while that POS Judge in CA who just gave a rapist an unprecedented light sentence gets raged on? Fucking really? She bragged about being a Goldwater girl, Goldwater was an anti-civil rights politician back in the day. The crime bill she helped her husband pass increased the amount of African-Americans in prison by a measurable percentage. She is the defender of minorities too? She championed NAFTA which destroyed the economy of my town among others allowing factories to move to out without penalty. Bust she is the champion of the labor? Ask the miners in West Virginia who they feel about her bragging about putting them out of business. Why are all her former aides using her lawyer in the Email scandal and got the courts to seal their testimonies for a minimum 75 years and all FOIA inquires pertaining to her now will not be processed until after the election? It takes a year to process those usually anyway. If she is so innocent why hide the facts? When she wrote her first big book and was headed to the NY senate an interviewer asked her what her life would have been like if she had not married Bill Clinton who became president giving her an entrance to politics. She corrected the interviewer and said no matter who she married they would have become president and she was into politics years before that. It was largely joked during Bill's tenure she wore the pants in the WH. She has had her eye on this prize for 30+ years and has been working in the background to get it by crook or hook; clearly the former more than the latter. She will likely win because she has media propaganda backing and is counting on voters to buy off the shame of sexism the way they tried to buy off racism in 2008 with another historic first. I would love to see America vote in it's first woman president in my lifetime but not her, anyone but her...ok not Palin or Bachman either. Maybe Warren but I would still find that unsettling as I am part Cherokee and she lied about being native to get free college money years ago. Warren's lies have not killed the amount of people the Clinton's have at least.... (drops mic)
Jun 09, 16 at 1:18am
I'm a Bernie guy but if it comes down to it I'll choose the lesser of two evils and vote Clinton. Maybe if Bernie becomes her running mate shell stand a chance. But trump has too much over her I can't see her winning
Jun 09, 16 at 12:52pm
DarkuSchneider Brings up another excellent point why I'm not voting for Hillary. Because of her inaction, people have died at that embassy.
Jun 10, 16 at 4:23am
I just like hating on Hillary at this point http://a.nime.me/0073/5037/screen_shot_2016-06-10_at_2.25.54_am.png
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