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Still kinda new

So I haven't been here very long. However I would like to find some friends. So it's a open invitation to come and talk to me :) I really love: Art, Anime, & Music So let's become friends it would be awesome sauce! ^.^
Welcome to MO, hope you enjoy your stay here :3 What kind of art / anime / music do you like ? Do you also draw ? :D
Jun 01, 16 at 10:07pm
Welcome to MO. I see you like One Piece. I can't approve of that Dragon Ball GT rating, though.
Jun 01, 16 at 10:49pm
Welcome to MO, please enjoy your stay.
Jun 01, 16 at 11:09pm
Welcome to MO. Unfortunately all the tacos must be confiscated.
Lol thanks! Yes I love to draw. I love Dragon ball z I must have rated it wrong.
Do have any drawings anywhere online, would love to see a few :)
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