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Yikes- Site fixes

Soooo for this site I have a few suggestions that I think would make everyone happier. 1.) Tf is up with the chat boxes, every once in awhile they go up and down constantly like some ghost is playing around with the scroll. I think the chats should be like Facebook in a way where it says 'read' when someone reads your stuff. Also it'd be cute to add some emojicons! And a bell to notify people of messages x-x 2.) I think there should be a notification bar thing, where if someone comments on something you've commented on/Forum you're involved in, it should let you know. With this, I believe there should be an option to 'Unfollow' a comment or Forum if you don't want to be a part of it anymore. 3.) I feel as though there should be a room where you can go to and watch anime with your friends in. This is just a suggestion and I know it'd be new to the site, but I think everyone would enjoy watching anime together. Kind of like Rab.bit or Instasync. 4.) I think- once again, sorry for bashing on the chat boxes (in my opinion, they need a lot of work). That when you exit out of a chat box it should save the previous conversation instead of deleting it. When you have 5 chatboxes going on and you have to exit one out, it's really frustrating for that person to message you back and you don't know what you were talking about. 5.) I think for the friends bar, telling you who's online, there should be a little anime figure beside who's on and if they're on mobile, there should be an anime figure with a phone or something. I dunno, trying to kawaii this site up a bit. (ah sorry, my weeb slipped out) 6.) Overall, I think this site is pretty cool, and at the same time has a lot to be worked on. Mainly with the blasted chat-boxes. Anyways, Thank you for reading and taking these ideas into consideration :) Anyone who is nodding their head, but not really thinking about these things: https://media.giphy.com/media/BVaScAMm4UcW4/giphy.gif heh. ☆Ichi
1. I get that but it goes the speed of light o.0 2. There is a grey star at the top next to the title, click that to follow / unfollow a thread :P The rest of your suggestions I agree with :)
Oh okay, I'm glad some ghosts are messing with other people's chat boxes. And thank you o: I didn't know that lmao ☆Ichi
No problem, only found out myself a few days ago xD Yeah the chat box thing is really strange, it just goes haywire from time to time D:
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