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post pics

HEya! Newbie here.. how do i post pics in posts? would really appreciate the help u guys! your best regards, Dino
Cid @tylor commented on post pics
May 19, 16 at 7:16am
just past the link in and the site dose the rest
May 19, 16 at 12:16pm
But where do i find the link for my own photos? i got em on my detskop
Sunbae @alanzd commented on post pics
May 19, 16 at 12:26pm
I'm pretty sure there's an option for you to upload them from your profile gallery. Just upload tem there and if you want to use it on a thread, go ahead and past the address of the photo onto the message.
thank god I found this, I was wondering the same damn thing XD
May 19, 16 at 4:15pm
kiyo @kiyo commented on post pics
Jun 05, 16 at 1:11am
thanks for the info guyz:)
Find the URL, copy and paste it, imgur is handy for uploading images and gifs:) HTTPS is quite iffy (some do work some don't) if they don't, remove the s and post away (http) This works with any link ending in .JPG .PNG and .GIF This method also works with YouTube links :3 Webm's don't like this method and thus don't work :/
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