Theme Songs
Dartinin @dartinin
Theme Songs
Dartinin @dartinin
I'm sure that I'm not the only one who gets curious now and then and starts looking up English translations of some of their favorite anime opening and closing theme songs. So please share what you listen to on those cold lonely nights to cheer yourself up. The One Theme song that inspired me to ask this question is The first opening theme song of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso otherwise known as (Your Lie in April) Whats funny is that I haven't even watched the show (Yet) just like the song that much. Oh if you want to look it up the version I'm listening to is by TYER .
Ginseng @desu
commented on
Theme Songs
Ginseng @desu
Honestly I try to avoid looking up translations for songs I like because half the time I end up thinking "wow, that was dumb"
Dartinin @dartinin
commented on
Theme Songs
Dartinin @dartinin
I appreciate the opinion I used to feel the same way. In fact I still do about a lot of songs but after finding these few good translators I find im no longer concerned about that. I don't exactly go looking for songs I guess as much as i let them choose which ones sound good in English and I'm sure edit them to become nice sounding pop or in some cases more instrumental ... or what I would just call sad like the Treasure song from angel beats. When I listen to a good translation I guess it just feels like a new song ... the beat I like is still there but the song is different it means something else to me and if done well they still feel in place and remind me of what of what they should. I hope that last part made even a little sense.
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