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How important is Anime/Manga to you in a relationship?

Now its important for me because of i had an ex that has 0 interest in anime and manga and he keeps telling me that its cartoons just japanese which annoyed me so it didnt worked
As long as they don't mind it's something I like it's all good. Not like I'm obsessed to the point where it's all I do. It's nice to have a large variety of interests and it's also not a bad thing to have different interests... I think for some people having everything in common could drive one insane because there's no escape... no haven. Having different interests can also just be interesting, sometimes you learn to enjoy new things. Er.. to answer the question, not very important.
I'd say it's important enough to me that if they could not at least sit down and watch a series or two with me, and be able to enjoy it, I'd be unable to be in the relationship, and of course I'd watch whatever they are interested in, fair is fair in love and war.
I rather have a gf that likes anime cuz i watch anime more than regular tv shows
I contradict myself when that question is asked. To be honest, I'm more concerned about the well being.
I don't think it would. I'm not entirely and absolutely anime fan, I consider more as a manga fan in fact, I have other interests as well and hopefully we could share some. I think that's why it's important to have some free time with your friends from your partner due to different interests but not completely forget them. However, if they will judge me badly by my interests, have some silly prejudice and refuse to listen or accept me then bye bye, I'm gone.
More like an extra bonus for me, it's if they don't watch anime, just don't disturb my hobby is enough. Actually I'm slowly lost interest in anime long ago but keep tracking on games harder. lol
It would be a nice added bonus, but when I find the right person with whom I could become truly happy I'm not going to let one hobby or interest be in the way. Not even anime xD
"Not even anime" - Sanfi 2016
@Maya Veru, is that you? =P
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