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If you've ever cheated on someone why did you do it?

i wanna be a cheetah too <3
stop dreaming, go eat ur bamboo leaves
In all my past relationships I have never cheated once. Unfortunately it seems my loyalty goes unnoticed because almost every one of my relationships end up with me being betrayed.
when waifu tells you to give up on your dreams but shia labeouf is the only one who believes in you
https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/1oPilOO0ZwbmLLQURshmBg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9NTAwO2g9MjY5/http://31.media.tumblr.com/ef43f32d255c14d1eea426cd4ad47bf4/tumblr_inline_nxpjqkhEK91tcrqfn_500.gif even shia laboeuf is done with u
I guess a variant of this question, have you ever been the mistress/lover without knowing it?
I cheated on my anime husbandos and waifus with real people, does that count? If not, then no, I've never cheated.
not really if she came in knowing I'd get with others. in the cases when the other half said no. respected her wishes. in exchange for satisfying my fascination with fetishes.
If you ever get caught cheating, tell your other that they can't get mad unless they pay $60 for the season pass for the exclusive "mad" DLC.
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