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Where to find single people?

idkkkk I was in Ca last weekend and only human interaction I had was with hotel staff, buying stuff and ordering food. I even went to a concert.
Maybe its one of those states where single women do better than single men. lol
@Teacup But... but... what about Max? o_o
Apr 17, 16 at 12:53pm
It's different with other people, of course, but my experience is that if you're looking very hard for a relationship/partner, you will have a hard time actually finding the right person. It's not impossible, of course not, but my point of view is if you're putting in a lot of time and effort, it will become harder and harder and harder as time progresses
I put zero effort into it and approach no one.
I prefer being getting to know women as friends for many months before considering asking for anything more and taking things very slowly. Many don't have the patience, but that is understandable.
@Earl That's always been my tactic, but at this moment I have a lot of female friends and not enough time and I feel horrible about just not hanging out with them anymore because they don't want to date me, because that's not why I became friends, but eventually I just end up with too little time to actually hang out with all of them -_- A while back I cut back on a lot of these female friends because I went to college and when of them was my ex who I didn't want to be friends with anymore after she had lied to me that much. Still, I've got two best female friends and they take up most of my free time
Apr 18, 16 at 6:24am
Well its pretty obvious you don't have a problem meeting gals by the way you wrote that, the skills to approach a woman is there. The proper question for this thread should be "How can I make a girl fall for me?" no?
Apr 18, 16 at 6:31am
You can't make someone fall for "you". They do or they don't. You just have to be yourself. You can pretend to be an illusion they want but honestly? Fuck that. Too much work.
@Rio It's more about finding single people who actually want to date instead of finding single people. Single people everywhere! Just not so many that are ready for a relationship. Still, one of the two female friends I was talking about is afraid of dating me because she believes she's only capable of hurting the people she loves. We had a friendly cinema date last night, but I think I scored some points and a few days ago she said that I was different from all other guys she had ever met, that we had a ton in common and that I'm one of the most interesting guys she ever met. If I keep this up, she might like hanging out with me so much that she eventually realises that the way she feels about me is actually close to falling for someone. Still, if that doesn't happen she is one hell of a friend ^^
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