Mini-Mini Con 2016

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
Mini-Mini Con 2016
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
It's a free con in San Antonio, TX. Anybody going?

The_Texas_Otaku @the_texas_otaku
commented on
Mini-Mini Con 2016
The_Texas_Otaku @the_texas_otaku
i've seen fliers for is, when is it again?

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
commented on
Mini-Mini Con 2016
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
May 14

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
commented on
Mini-Mini Con 2016
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
If y'all around the San Antonio area and want a taste of San Japan, come to Mini-Mini Con next Saturday. We have vendors, gaming tournaments, and a cosplay show. Did I mention that it's a free event?
What are you waiting for? It's going to be fun!

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
commented on
Mini-Mini Con 2016
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
Thanks to those who were able to come. It was a successful event with 2,500+ attendees, which was way beyond our projection of 2,000. It was my first time organizing a con. Most importantly, hope everybody had fun!
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