Headcount for Missourians!!!

meadowfox @meadowfox
Headcount for Missourians!!!
meadowfox @meadowfox
I live in Missouri, in bowling green, which is about an hour and half west of stl.

marimaruchan @marimaruchan
commented on
Headcount for Missourians!!!
marimaruchan @marimaruchan
COUNT MY HEAD, there doesnt seem to be alot of Otakus around here -_- I moved here from Austin TX where they are EVERYWHERE.....ugh culture changes

Final King @triston14
commented on
Headcount for Missourians!!!
Final King @triston14
You can find the occasional one at a mall. (That's how I meet fellow otaku.) I live in Anderson, which is near Joplin.

rekkuzan @rekkuzan
commented on
Headcount for Missourians!!!
rekkuzan @rekkuzan
Another Missourian here. I'm located in springfield

KeiHiro @keihiro
commented on
Headcount for Missourians!!!
KeiHiro @keihiro
St.Louis Missouri (O'fallon, Mo to be exact) not much of a random people person to just meet new people out of the blue, so cant say if ive ever really seen/met any here
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