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how to find the perfect girl?

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Apr 08, 16 at 6:48am
You're catching on, Panda. Good for you.
Make lots of friends and eventually one will offer a handy according to greg from dawnsomewhere.
well you join a social network website of some sort, preferably something that matches your interests, upload a picture of your body and... wait.
Hahaha^ that advice though as you showed your body on your pic As for looking for the girl, there's no perfect girl. Even the nicest person have their own flaws. I believe that once you get to know a girl more and you can see way through her heart and despite of her flaws you still want to know her more, talk with her more and you feel an attraction towards her then I guess that girl would be the one that fits you. You're lucky if the girl you like also likes you back and be mindful that girls have their own ideals as well. That's also what happens to a girl when she falls for a guy.
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