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Mutual likes

But honestly, even if creepy guys like literally every girl's page, it doesn't really mean anything haha. Assuming that you intend it like Tinder, make it so that you only get notified if you mutually 'like' each other. This'd avoid spam and abuse, and actually make this site about dating (instead of the site where people spam anime pics, which is sort of what it is now).
May 18, 16 at 10:19am
I think it's a great idea and it might just make this more of a datingsite than a forum ^^
May 26, 16 at 5:17am
Oh yeah, that's true. It would be helpful to make people know in advance. Sending messages first is quite a challenge. Gotta make a post for likes rn.
It's probably a good idea, though I can't say for certain, since I have actually already used other dating sites, and those likes have done nothing. I'm too new to anime to get anywhere with the dating part of this website so either way this inclusion won't affect me.
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