Looking for a Japanese Friend

Light @light323
Looking for a Japanese Friend
Light @light323
Im learning Japanese and my friends dont speak it lol so i thought maybe i can speak Japanese with someone here so i can improve. Im gonna be taking a Japanese conversational class in Japan for a month so i got time to sharpen my Japanese

ookami93 @harem93
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
ookami93 @harem93
Do you study romaji?

meltingtomato @meltingtomato
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
meltingtomato @meltingtomato
Trust me, no matter what the language, if you're in the country it's spoken in, and go to language classes there, it will do you a world more benefit then what you'll do at home. That said, before then (say, on the plane), study hiragana & katakana. They're pretty simple to learn (there are apps, books, and charts on google), and it shouldn't take you more than 2 weeks to memorize them if you practice regularly.

Tazzii @tazzii
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
Tazzii @tazzii
I speak Japanese, I'm still learning but I am quite good.

ben836 @ben836
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
ben836 @ben836
I know Japanese, haven't used it much though. I'll help.

nagisatsukino @nagisatsukino
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
nagisatsukino @nagisatsukino
Are you still looking for japanese friends?
If you like, i would like to help you.
x ナギサちゃん/Nagisa-chan

koji @gaxelgaxel
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
koji @gaxelgaxel
i wanna learn too..how?

megachoji @megachoji
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
megachoji @megachoji
Same here actually. I really want to learn it, and am learning it slowly. Nagisa-chan would you be able to help me out as well?

animekidx52 @animekidx52
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
animekidx52 @animekidx52
I Spoke japanese when I was 7 years old

satoshix @satoshix
commented on
Looking for a Japanese Friend
satoshix @satoshix
Well i'm half Japanese but I forgot how to speak in Japanese since I stopped talking when I was a kid. But i'm currently re-learning how to talk/write in Japanese. I can pretty much understand what everyone is saying except when it comes to talking i'm pretty much a beginner :P.
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