Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club

JackTechno @jacktechno
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
JackTechno @jacktechno
Hello MO prose writers! Welcome to the Story Writing Club...*cough Prose Builder's Syndicate *cough. This is a place where we can all come together to better our craft.
Club Activities
+ Introduce yourself. [Type of stories you write, your favorite writing genre, and how long you have been writing what you love]
+ Post helpful writing tips and strategies.
+ Post excerpts of your writings for support and critique.
+ Try your best to keep proper grammar. [Others should suggest better grammar, and not make fun]
+ No Spamming [Let's give everyone a chance to voice their opinions]
+ Be Creative! ^.^
I hope that we can have a great time as we come together to share our stories and advice.

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
JackTechno @jacktechno
Hi! I mostly write short stories. My favorite writing genre is Fantasy Drama. I have been writing my stories for about 3 months (I know, I'm just starting out). I hope to meet some awesome people!

trixjack @trixjack
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
trixjack @trixjack
Hi names tri x jack and I mostly wright story's for games and friends that wont stop bothering me about if I can wright or draw out a story for them. I'm not a novice in this craft though I make some mistakes here and there that mostly because I'm horrible a typeing but I know spell check-san got my back. I hope I met the next great manta artist in this chat

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
JackTechno @jacktechno
Very cool. I'm glad to have you with us!

Daggera @daggera
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
Daggera @daggera
Greetings, I am Daggera. I meant to write in this sooner. ^_^; Sorry Jack.
I enjoy writing Horror, Thriller, science fiction, fantasy, because these are my favorite genres and I started drawing out story ideas when I was in junior high, (drawing scenes on paper with coloring pencils) and actaully started writing in high school. I really enjoy writing and drawing so it is my hope that I can improve and make it a profession in the near future. Feel free to ask me any questions or ask me for any suggestions or idea if you feel stuck.

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
JackTechno @jacktechno
That's okay. Thanks for being a part of this.

Sherflow @sherflow
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
Sherflow @sherflow
I'm Sher, I study Creative Writing and the English Language at university, I've been writing for 6 years now. I write everything from Fantasy to Sci-fi. I'm naturally talented at story weaving, my approach to writing is to take everything into consideration and concentrate on world building, with the world shaping the characters rather than the other way around. as result my texts tend to be quite dense and slow paced, which makes short story's a pain to write lol.
My writing advice would be that there is no such thing as a perfect first draft.
Also I'm mildly dyslexic and tend to leave key words out of my sentences, so sorry for that in advance.

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
JackTechno @jacktechno
I've learned a couple good ways to be more descriptive and build a better world: 1) Draw out the scenes 2) Almost over-describe each character/scene/landscape before incorporating them into the story.

Sherflow @sherflow
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
Sherflow @sherflow
That's actually a very good tip, I always find myself too excited with my ideas that I don't know where to start. I've only just recently a started using a character sheet and I've found it petty useful.
They teach story boarding in my university so I can provide tips and links if anyone is interest in such.

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Prose and Novices: Story Writing Club
JackTechno @jacktechno
I've written an outline for my short story. I found that helpful in organizing the story and helping me find what it is I want the story to tell. I suggest to new story writers looking up the elements of a short story and filling in each part.
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