Magic the gathering players
James Deavers @growvilye500
Magic the gathering players
James Deavers @growvilye500
was wondering if anyone plays MTG here as kinda curious and never bothered asking until now for some reason O.o
Claymore @angelicfire
commented on
Magic the gathering players
Claymore @angelicfire
Hell yes. I run red/white and red/green. I usually draft on Fridays at a local card shop.
James Deavers @growvilye500
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Magic the gathering players
James Deavers @growvilye500
right now i have a bant deck xD its hella fun cause of the shenangins oath brought
Rebellion @superfranky
commented on
Magic the gathering players
Rebellion @superfranky
I like playing with white or green, cause I like swarming my enemy with tokens, or powerful creatures lol.
James Deavers @growvilye500
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Magic the gathering players
James Deavers @growvilye500
you will like green next set then man xD innistrad and wolfs again oh joy xD most likely garruk returns to o:
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