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Saint seiya fan

Saint seiya fan Hello everyone, i really don't know to tell about me but i loove saint seiya and my name is kyo it's nice to meet you all.http://45.media.tumblr.com/68ee07b6eadea04ef2e790ee71fe57e3/tumblr_mv2r44K9XZ1rfbdu4o2_r1_500.gif
Feb 20, 16 at 6:04pm
Welcome new friend! I can't say I know much about the anime, but there's something for everyone here. Please enjoy your stay.
Feb 20, 16 at 11:01pm
Hello and welcome to MO, I too can't really say I know much about Saint Seiya sadly, but welcome anyways, i hope you have fun and enjoy the community ^.^
Feb 22, 16 at 10:10am
Hello and welcome to Mo hope you have fun here
Thank you.^^https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-gTuZZhVtZ5s/VXq9H8DWkKI/AAAAAAAAT1Q/ufG2cqxjWy8/w800-h800/tumblr_mkl5fhT6aS1rsojmdo4_500.gif
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