kazugaya @kazugaya
kazugaya @kazugaya
Does anyone have a teamspeak channel or if i rent one how many people would be interested in joining? We could add category channels whether it he by country anime genre or gaming? Whats everybody say

lugexd @lugexd
commented on
lugexd @lugexd
this wouldn't really go into the introductions thread O.o maybe under random chatter. or even meetups possibly? but not here o.o but on topic, i probably wouldn't personally. I never pay attention VOIP programs anymore e.e I'm usually watching stuff, wether it be anime, movies or tv shows. and I don't like to bother people with the noise while i watch.

Codex @codex
commented on
Codex @codex
I have a TS3 that i run with a friend of mine. we are always looking for more ppl to join. So if you want to use it for chatting and gaming that be beneficial for use too. message me when your going to get on so i can be on. and we already have those channels. Gaming channels and a anime channel.
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