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Hello Fellow Otaku

What's up guys, TheMedarotter here. I honestly didn't think a place like this existed until I did a search a while back and found it. But hey if it means that I can meet other people interested in the same things I am then I'm all for giving it a shot. I'm a very easygoing guy, probably the easiest friend you'll ever make once we start talking and hanging out. But I'm also loyal, so give me a reason to value our friendship and I will fight for it until the very end and then even after. To get to that point though, you'll have to show me that you'll value a friendship and that you care about it enough to keep it going the very best you can (friendships are give and take, but some people only think that they're only taking, and that's plain wrong). Something to warn you of, I am a comedian by nature. So be prepared if I crack some sort of joke or funny thought in the middle of a conversation. I just love making people laugh and smile, it's just who I am. I am a writer by hobby, and I enjoy spending time writing fanfiction. I also have an account on Fanfiction.net where I post my works for others to see. I mainly specialize in Medarot fics, but I have some Zelda and others on there as well. I'm also a gamer (obviously, or I wouldn't be here, you know?), and RPGs are probably my top genre. Some of my favorites are things like Legend of Zelda, little bit of Sonic the Hedgehog or Mario. My top series though is one called Medarot (called Medabots in English), an RPG that's basically like pokemon but with small customizable robots instead of small creatures. How far have I taken that game series? Well I've beaten 5 of the Japanese titles (it was never really localized as a series in the West), going on 6, while playing through all the Japanese text. I personally have never attended a Con before, but I want to. I am getting into cosplay, but it's kinda a complicated thing at the moment. I enjoy anime, but more prefer manga when I can. While looking for a nice girl (preferably between 19-20) would be awesome, I'm more on here for socialization ALL fellow otaku out there. What am I looking for? Well if I get to know you long enough I'd tell you. But until then, sorry, gotta get to know you first. On that note, I will not give personal information, even names on other sites, until I feel I can trust you first; and that comes with talking and getting to know me over time. Well that's a little about me. Looking forward to getting to know other fellow otaku out there and talk about various kinds of anime/manga.
Welcome to the site, sir. I hope you make tons and tons of wonderful friends and maybe one day you'll fall in love and make tons and tons of awful, beautiful children
haha, thank you man.
Feb 18, 16 at 10:11pm
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