My art I guess?

lugexd @lugexd
My art I guess?
lugexd @lugexd
I'll just post my old portfolio website for when I was still attempting to get into the game industry through environment and prop work.
Taking a long break from it and instead doing 3D as a hobby, don't have anything complete to post though since then as I have had horrible luck with hdds e.e
Edit: heres my old blog too:

Penna @penna
commented on
My art I guess?
Penna @penna
Neat stuff. Don't see 3D art very often.

lugexd @lugexd
commented on
My art I guess?
lugexd @lugexd
I noticed, actually a tad bit surprised. 3D art is loads of fun, its what I had gone to school for. I could possibly persue it still, but the passion for game art kinda died for me. so i just do it as a hobby now.

Penna @penna
commented on
My art I guess?
Penna @penna
That's fine. Hobbies are great. I have tons as it is.
If you manage to work on any other projects I know I'd like to see em. It's kind of refreshing. Plus I think your work is pretty solid.

lugexd @lugexd
commented on
My art I guess?
lugexd @lugexd
I dunno, my work is so underleveled v.v But, I guess I could post the game I worked on in college. Granted, artistically the game wasn't exactly... fluid. None of us could match styles well. The only part of the game that looked really good was the last level, and thats because I was the only one that worked on it e.e
so i guess i'll post that here.
I did have stuff from 2 other games I had started work on, but both I can't really talk about. even though they went nowhere e.e

lugexd @lugexd
commented on
My art I guess?
lugexd @lugexd
thinking about working on a project soon. just gotta get stuff ready to do it.
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