Max @reclaw
commented on
Max @reclaw
And this is where the misanthropy kicks in. Because the damn apes just won't behave.
Blue @blueroselover
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Blue @blueroselover
And this is why I cannot be a cynic
Because sonder
Max @reclaw
commented on
Max @reclaw
Cynicism is a great thing.
Blue @blueroselover
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Blue @blueroselover
The video will explain.
Anyway the apes won't behave because they each have their own thoughts and feelings. And that's a beautiful albeit chaotic thing~
Max @reclaw
commented on
Max @reclaw
I see no video, just a blank gap, sorry. :D
I don't have a problem with everyone's free will and so on. I have a problem with the fact that many people act not only selfish, but also act in ways that are destructive and/or restrictive for others.
If you let them their freedom, they take the freedom from others. That's what I'm trying to convey here.
And that's the bad behaviour I'm on about.
darkmagus @darkmagus
commented on
darkmagus @darkmagus
Man, was this a thread made for me? I just have disliked people ever since I became about 14. I blame my past.
Blue @blueroselover
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Blue @blueroselover
And I'm out . See you all on the flipside~
darkmagus @darkmagus
commented on
darkmagus @darkmagus
I would love to see the new world order happen, not gonna lie.
Max @reclaw
commented on
Max @reclaw
I got the video link out of the source code. I think about sonder very often. Everytime I look outside though my window. :)
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