Blue @blueroselover
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Blue @blueroselover
Already read it xynox~
xynox @xynox
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xynox @xynox
Fair enough..
Blue @blueroselover
commented on
Blue @blueroselover
I'm just messing with you guys~
Though I could use a drink. My past has come back to haunt me
Blue @blueroselover
commented on
Blue @blueroselover
I don't think anyone here is openly depressed
Max @reclaw
commented on
Max @reclaw
Depressions suck.
xynox @xynox
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xynox @xynox
I love Marx. I gulped down The Communist Manifesto in a couple days..
"The repressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representative of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them." Nobody has ever summed up my thoughts on representative democracy with such precision like my homeboy. He gets it.
I don't agree with a lot said in Nihilism since it's contradictory. It denies the existence of value and meaning but that itself is value and meaning. Still it's an interesting read. It's a very aesthetic philosophical view point.
Blue @blueroselover
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Blue @blueroselover
Xynox, what would you prefer to representative democracy?
Max @reclaw
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Max @reclaw
I agree with you. It gives your brain a lot to work with. If you like working your brain that is.
xynox @xynox
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xynox @xynox
Blue, sad thing is I grew up only in representative democracy. I don't actually have anything to compare. Direct democracy is only possible in matters everyone has a solid, well-founded opinion on. Anarchism means plain chaos. Communism appeals to me a lot more than capitalism, however, it's a very utopian ideology. Not everyone is a good, ambitious person and those who aren't would exploit such a system. As of right now I agree with the saying "Representative democracy is a horrible political system, but the best we have."
Future will prove whether or not we'll come up with something better.
Blue @blueroselover
commented on
Blue @blueroselover
The fundamental flaw is always the human one in those instances. I had a discussion with a friend about this a few months ago. We settled on the conclusion that any political system could be an ideal one if humans behaved as ideal citizens. The problem becomes that in any system that relies on human interaction there will always be those that seek to exploit it for power.
Ideally I could be a benevolent dictator and make the world a "better" place. Realistically though that is a terrible idea for numerous reasons. And please do not treat me as a king.
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