Final Fantasy XIV

lugexd @lugexd
Final Fantasy XIV
lugexd @lugexd
Anyone around play it? If so which server do you hail from? And what are you looking forward to with the upcoming patch this month.

lugexd @lugexd
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Final Fantasy XIV
lugexd @lugexd
I'll start:
I'm from Lamia, and I'm looking forward to the changes to tank attributes the most actually.

Buemoon1212 @bluemoon1212
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Final Fantasy XIV
Buemoon1212 @bluemoon1212
famfrit I'm not an otaku though

lugexd @lugexd
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Final Fantasy XIV
lugexd @lugexd
o.o But, you're here. Though, that doesn't matter too much >< what are you looking forward to for the crap coming out?

War Turtle @apostolos_t
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Final Fantasy XIV
War Turtle @apostolos_t
Wow.. I was just about to make a topic about looking for people to play FF14 with.. I'm from Hyperion

lugexd @lugexd
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Final Fantasy XIV
lugexd @lugexd
lol, beat ya to it. we need more though xD

matsuokaito @matsuokaito
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Final Fantasy XIV
matsuokaito @matsuokaito
I'm on Phoenix. But I warn you, I'm terrible. Level 55 for both PLD and MCH.
I've still to finish the Heavensward main scenario because I can't bring myself to go through yet another dungeon. (The Airey)

War Turtle @apostolos_t
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Final Fantasy XIV
War Turtle @apostolos_t
I'm totally fine with hopping servers if anyone wants to play with me, my highest level is only like level 32 XD

Deltryxz @deltryxz
commented on
Final Fantasy XIV
Deltryxz @deltryxz
I'm on a few servers with a lvl60 Black Mage on Mateus but my main FC just hopped over to Faere where I'm only a lvl42 White Mage

BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
commented on
Final Fantasy XIV
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
This game is lovely but I just wish it was free lol
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