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I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my first post

Okay, the title was the first thing I thought of because of my pic haha. I'm Jack and it's nice to meet you! As well as being single and looking for a girl who loves to be creative and geeky together, I'm also looking for some friends to geek off with! I like games (owning most systems since the MegaDrive), anime, some comics, sci-fi, fantasy and just stuff that has imagination to it. I'm also a creator. As well as drawing, I'm a trainned actor and voice actor. Currently I'm working on creating my own game which is in its early stages but coming along well. So yeah! I like to talk and probably talked too much now. But don't be afraid to say hi!
Hey Commander... About time you got here, Several Geth collaborators in hiding have been spotted on this site. I wish you the best of luck on the hunt. - Hans :3
Thank you Hans, but if I'm going to do this I'm going to need a crack team. Any word from Tali or Garrus?
Sorry to tell you this Shepard but they're making out in the gun battery.... and from the looks of things, they're gonna be a while. Will update you with more info when I can, Hans.
Could always use more Mass Effect fans. Nice to meet you Jack! I hope you have a good time around here.
@ Hans (shepard goes ooc) awww hell no. Space Bros or no Space Bros, she my girl. Gonna get my whooping stick and have myself a little town meeting down at the front battery. *storms off* @ utaghoul1991 haha thanks a lot, love my Mass Effect XD. Always a Talimancer.
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