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The judging thread

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Feb 08, 16 at 5:02pm
I was simply shitstorming the Stalker. Lol. Anyways, you seem cool. You look amazing, and your info made me laugh when you started talking about raisins. You really love your raisins, don't you? :D
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@thesailingteacup: Hmm... Sorry, I don't get this right. Even, though you're shy and prefer to be comfortable. You might have problem with making friends or soulmate. Your zodiac can be a very picky type on choosing people and that could the reason why you're shy? ;:3 Plus, you're a fan of tea as well! (=^w^=)
L-like I said. If I don't get it right. I'm sorry! >.<;
Feb 09, 16 at 1:57am
My Queen you seem like a very generous and caring person. Looking at your page you also seem quite energetic and full of life which are very good qualities to have. But your insistence on being referred to as a yandere, the way you speak both on your profile on not being judged and here with your apologies make it seem like you are a bit fragile. Please do not take that as an insult. I do not mean it as one. Roses are also fragile and I adore them. And I could very well be wrong about you. I'm just telling it as I see it.
You seem like a very kind, thoughtful person with some great hobbies. You seem to also like some good anime. The only thing I don't understand is why you don't have any friends on here! D: You can always change that, though. :)
Feb 09, 16 at 2:17am
I've only just recently come here miss Desire. Haven't had much time to make friends.
I think you will make quite a few. :)
@SD: You seem like you're pretty cool. I bet you have a ton of friends, and are very energetic and outgoing in person. And everybody I know downplays how good they are at guitar so... Also I definitely have mad respect for anyone working in the military.
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