Hello! ^-^

Sanya Bennett @sanyaz
Hello! ^-^
Sanya Bennett @sanyaz
Hai, I'm Sanya Alessa Bennett A trans female *MTF* Who enjoys watching of course anime. I'm a pretty shy person and I dont really do well outside in public but i try!
I prefer watching mecha animes but I watch others like comedy/romance/action and science fiction..My favorite anime is Aldnoah Zero 2nd is Code Geass 3rd GATE.
I also play lots of games *PM me if you wanna add me on steam*
I play RPGS/RTS/MIlSim/Shooters.
Uhm if you got any questions just ask below and my preference is females and yes i'm available

Laus @disconnecteds
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Laus @disconnecteds
Welcome to MO, probably the first person to come out and say you took the step forward to be what you knew you should have been, takes some guts throwing that out there, I applaud you for it any who hope you enjoy your stay

Sanya Bennett @sanyaz
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Sanya Bennett @sanyaz
thank you <33

Renkenber @many
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Renkenber @many
Hi and welcome to Mo i also like the same anime and i play some games but on a laptop. I hope you find everything ok here

Sanya Bennett @sanyaz
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Sanya Bennett @sanyaz
Cool what do you play :o

Verflixt @verflixt
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Verflixt @verflixt
Hey, welcome to MO.

Hellgirl @roza16
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Hellgirl @roza16
hey....wlcm to MO....hope we be gd frndz. ^_^

Etherea Lock @etherealock
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Etherea Lock @etherealock
Hi welcome! :)

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Hello! ^-^
Nakama @jacob1
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