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Stopping stalking on this site

But we don't want it on the forum in the first place xypho. Especially when you take over and ruin other peoples threads. Just shut up about it. Nobody cares! What part of that can't you understand?
Feb 06, 16 at 5:22am
You had one. And I was completely sober. Yet you are still here. So no, I don't buy it.
Feb 06, 16 at 5:23am
Oh I said nothing about fighting. If you want to, we could, though. Anything to make you go away for good.
Feb 06, 16 at 5:30am
Well if she doesn't want to tell you, there is nothing you can do. Try to live in peace, anyways. I bet it'll work out just fine. "For the sake of herself [...] she should not bear that shit inside her" (here is your obsession) - You have no right to get involved in her private life and decisions. Still not your business. According to her you are a stalker and a stranger to her. Not a friend who should be worried.
Feb 06, 16 at 6:01am
I don't know the name. Neither does Kanta. I asked him. So stop bs-ing me. Dude, you were the one who was out clubbing. I was at home. Go figure.
Feb 06, 16 at 6:18am
-_- I told you already on the phone but okay: you want me to be the slut you picture me as. This is just another part of this twisted free time activity you have. You want me to be an alcoholic with mental issues. You want me to be that girl who constantly switches boyfriends and had flings with all the guys who claim they were involved with me. It doesn't matter how often I tell you the truth. You want to believe that I was drunk and lied. And guess what, it's not my job to convince you.
Feb 06, 16 at 7:36am
AND the sad excuse for a human being returns to continue his sad, pathetic little crusade to make another human beings life nothing but a living hell. Your main account being banned couldn't have happened to a more deserving user. And hey, keep up the great work in public like this! It'll continue to expose to the rest of the users on this site to the fact they'll know what a genuine psychopath you legitimately are! ^__^
This dude will never stop no matter what you say to him. What a sad life he has. If I was xynox I'd screen capture everything he says here and outside this website. That'd probably work when trying to report him. Not sorry, this dude deserves to be inside some mental institution.
See, we need drama. Now everyone comes out and joins in...l-like a family!:_)
The time has come to sing of songs Lost to time and lost to wrongs With ticks across the watery throngs And tocks once heard from painful longs The clocks tick now to take a bow And let us know the shadowy how And tell us less about the now And sing and pray like flightless fowl I see your face amongst the weeds Glittering eyes like lifeless beads Hair wrought round with salt and seeds Planning your misleaded deeds And ask you now to to stop the why And ask you now with bloodied sighs And ask you now to let her by And ask you now to let her cry
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