The Seven Deadly Sins

neyruto @neyruto
The Seven Deadly Sins
neyruto @neyruto
Will there be a season 2?? Im absolutely IN LOVE with this anime (and of course all dem ships)and am kinda disappointed with the ending, not finding all the sins

Jinsei @jinsei
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The Seven Deadly Sins
Jinsei @jinsei
I'm under the impression they will have a second season. Hmm... Never knew I had a giantess fetish until this one.

kleverbear @kleverbear
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The Seven Deadly Sins
kleverbear @kleverbear
I am also looking forward to S2, the manga looks good too.

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
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The Seven Deadly Sins
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
It was awesome for Netflix to acquire the rights to it

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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The Seven Deadly Sins
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Its still an anime I need to get to.

Jinsei @jinsei
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The Seven Deadly Sins
Jinsei @jinsei
Elric-kun get to it.

obisan7 @obisan7
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The Seven Deadly Sins
obisan7 @obisan7
It's great show. I watched it twice.

siveltoc @siveltoc
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The Seven Deadly Sins
siveltoc @siveltoc
SPOILER ALERT!!There must be a second season! The ending is letting us in a huge suspense of why are they going to Camelot? What's the story with Merlin and Meliodas and where is the last sin, most of those question will have answers I think in the second season and what I want the most to see in it is Ban reuniting with Elain
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