Do you read manga?

Nakama @jacob1
Do you read manga?
Nakama @jacob1
I do, I read many different ones every night.
do you?
Yes or no?

mr_ambig @mr_ambig
commented on
Do you read manga?
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
I am just starting to get back into it. I picked up the first omnibus of Freezing since I watched the first season on Blu-ray. Also picked up the first volume of The Sacred Blacksmith and the first three volumes of Dragonball. That should be a decent start.

idontknowman @oxycore
commented on
Do you read manga?
idontknowman @oxycore
When I have nothing else to do or want to get comfy I do, yes. I enjoy both anime and manga as much.

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
Do you read manga?
Hyera 혜라 @hyera

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Do you read manga?
Nakama @jacob1
Shonen Jump Weeky english scans came out kind of late this week. Those the rare Witch Hunter came out yesterday.

xxx @__removed_uguubox
commented on
Do you read manga?
xxx @__removed_uguubox
i sure do.

MaliceRaven @maliceraven
commented on
Do you read manga?
MaliceRaven @maliceraven
Hell to the yes... mostly romance, comedy, slice of life.

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
commented on
Do you read manga?
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Yes, only when I dont feel like waiting on the anime though.

Spitfire The Siege @tfk
commented on
Do you read manga?
Spitfire The Siege @tfk
The only scan I still read is Fairy Tail.
My actual manga collection has grown significantly in the past year.
And fuck you, Oh great!, putting out a cheesey ass Air Gear one-shot 2 1/2 years after you ended the manga...

Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
commented on
Do you read manga?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Haven't read any in the past 3 months or so due to games keeping me occupied, but I've read about 200 series. :P
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