Transgender Relationship Problems

blackchapel @blackchapel
Transgender Relationship Problems
blackchapel @blackchapel
It's hardly surprising, but as a transgender (female to male) I find it very hard to find relationships/people who are interested. I can't really say that shocks me because of course not everyone will be okay with such a situation, and perhaps won't understand in a lot of circumstances. But it does depress me sometimes, and I sometimes wonder just how many tansgender persons have this same problem, the feeling they'll never find anyone interested in who they really are.

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
first off i just want to say you have more guts than i do im transgender too (male to female) but i dont dare go outside in female cloaths yet but keep your chin up youll find someone i know how you feel it is hard but your good looking :3 keep your chin up <3

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
I'm not transgendered so I could never say I understand how you feel but I just wanted to say: Don't give up! You will find someone who will understand and will love you for who you are. It may not be today or tomorrow, it could be anytime but there is someone out there waiting :)

gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
I most definitely know how you feel, Blackchapel. I have the same problems on a daily basis, and I'm also an ftm. Whenever I show interest in anyone, or when they show interest in me and I tell them about me being trans; they're either freaked out, ask me if I'm into fetish culture, or try to convince me that I'm just 'a boyish girl,' it's very frustrating, and even depressing. Sometimes, I feel like giving up, but the most important thing is to not let it keep you down. Eventually, you'll find someone, it just might take more time and work than it does for so called 'normal' people :3 And if you ever need someone to talk to, just shoot me a message (It's nice to see some other trans-folk on this site)

blackchapel @blackchapel
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
blackchapel @blackchapel
Thanks you guys! For understanding even though you're not all in the same situation. c: As for piercedrocker- I'm sorry, it's hard tho. Harder for mtf especially. Ftm transgenders can pass off as tomboys, but mtf dressing in the appropriate clothes don't have that to fall back upon and it's far more highly frowned upon. I hope that someday you feel comfortable enough to venture out as who you really are, and I wish you luck with it. Because everyone should be able to be who they really are without fear of judgement.
Gentlemanrdp- EXACTLY. OR they understand but because of their own sexual orientation (in my case either interested in women, or interested in men only) they can't find the physical attraction in you. Because at the moment I'm sort of... between genders. Men interested in women can't be interested because I want to BE a man, and men interested in men can't be interested because I'm still physically a woman. It's maddening! I'm glad to find someone else who understands my situation though. c:

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
its ok im a tough cookie ;)

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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Transgender Relationship Problems
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
Hey, on the bright side, it'll be worth it in the end when you find someone who doesn't judge you by your physical aspects. Because if they can see you past your gender, they'll definitely love you for who you are!

Shizuma @shizuma
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
Shizuma @shizuma
I've actually surprisingly never had any issues with that myself (male to female), and that's even having dated only lesbians thus far, it just seems like the type of women I date (total geeks) just seem to be more open about things in general.

jet73l @jet73l
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
jet73l @jet73l
blackchapel: Oh, good grief yes. The ex I was dating when I came to terms with my gender identity was weirded out by the logistics (since she couldn't figure out why I would be willing to have sex with her the next tiem we met IRL, thanks mostly to crippling self-esteem problems) and another ex was transphilic but threw fits every time she remembered she'd need to deal with the stigma of dating a girl who has or had a penis, or a guy who identified as female gender-wise. If it makes you feel better, I think you can pass really easily for a Johnny Depp type of guy, so as long as you find that someone it should be much easier for you than it might otherwise have been.
Warning: The next paragraph may be a little graphic. I tried to make it as un-graphic as possible, but super-prudish people should skip it.
I actually have some weirdness on top of being MtF: I have a sneaking suspicion that I'd prefer heterosexual intercourse based on my body, rather than bisexual intercourse regardless of my body and gender. On the other hand, at least it's pretty easy for females to simulate being males-with-breasts for physical intimacy purposes, from what I understand of technology these days, so as long as I date someone who doesn't mind being the guy (and, obviously, the feminine-top, whatever that is called when it isn't a tachi, since a lot of that interaction is the same regardless of the neko/femme/bottom's parts configuration) in the relationship sexually as well as stereotype-socially, that might not be much of a problem.
[/personal stuff].
piercedrocker: You don't need to go out in feminine clothes just because it's expected, but if you want to, I'm sure you can do it! *cheers*
Shizuma: You are increibly lucky XD

Shizuma @shizuma
commented on
Transgender Relationship Problems
Shizuma @shizuma
Thanks :) Yeah, I am, I think my passability is what helps me a lot in having no issues, even before I transitioned I looked like a girl in guys cloths pretty much.
And yeah, I could see that being an issue with intercourse, I guess again i'm lucky there in liking both being the top or bottom, so which I am depends on my partner at the time.
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